Saturday, October 25, 2008

My favorite part of campaigning

Today is our official dry-run of election day, and because I left the office at 2:15 and didn't fall asleep until 3:30, giving me 2 1/2 hours of sleep for the night, I decided to take the time to remember what I like about campaigning.

Campaigning, or community organizing, is the hardest thing I have ever done, but the one thing that keeps me going while I'm here (besides knowing that I get to come home on 6 Nov. ) is the "community" in community organizing. We have been blessed here in Brighton, CO with a core group of amazing people. I will do a short run-through:

Sarah: She's basically our mom (and has two little ones of her own). She cooks for us on an almost daily basis and she cleans our bathrooms at the office! (Clean bathrooms are a pretty big deal to me :) ) She's also completely type-A so we are kindred spirits and commiserate on how to better organize the office.

Vicki: She's the fearless volunteer team leader. Like Sarah, she has two little ones, one who was 6 weeks old when he began canvassing for Obama in the primaries. Since then he has taken his first steps in our campaign office, and we were all here to witness it. We lean on each other when we get rude people, and we know if one of us loses it the other will too. She also makes fun of me for not liking to wear shoes in the office, and even gave me a pair of cute slipper socks with frogs on them!

Gregg: He's an amazing canvasser and is the canvass captain for election day. He always gives us updates on what "the other side" is doing and brings in his "hate mail." He and his wife are very sweet people (it's like having younger grandparents again), they have even put up with me calling their house and knocking on their door without recognizing last names. :)

Linda: She is one of our best phone call makers. No matter how rude people are to her, she still keeps at it. I've only had to give her a pep talk once (which I mustered from God knows where) to get her spirits back up. She in turn gave me a hug. I needed it. :)

These are only a few of the people who have made an impact on me here. I'll write more and share more stories as time provides, but all I know at this point, is that without the support from my family and friends back home, and these people here I wouldn't be making it right now.

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