Friday, January 23, 2009

How's your IQ?

If IQ tests measure acquired information are they realistic of our intelligence?

  1. What is gray tape and what is it used for?
  2. What does dissed mean?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of moving often?
  4. What is the main kind of work that a bondsman does?
  5. What is a roach?
  6. How are a pawnshop and a convenience store alike? How are they different?
  7. Why is it important for a non-U.S. citizen to have a green card?
  8. You go to the bakery store. You can buy five loaves of day-old bread for 39 cents each or seven loaves of three-day-old bread for 28 cents each. Which choice will cost lest?
  9. What does deportation mean?
  10. What is the difference between marriage and a common law relationship?

From A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D

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